Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pete Rock aka the CHOCOLATE BOY WONDER is what you've been sleepin' on.

I'm positive that there are some of you that probably think Kanye West is something of a HipHop demi-god...and then there those that share my enthusiasm for plainly shitting on him at every physical opportunity given because of the sheer HipHop "murder" he's gotten away with. Now for those of you who view Kanye as a "well...he's not THAAT BAD" situation, listen up....i got news for ya'. Allow me to first preface by stating that I am not a hater, more specifically, I am not jealous in any way shape or form of Kanye's "blessings" or skills. In many ways I do not deem Kanye's accomplishments within the realm of HipHop entirely, nor do I hail complete loathe for the man because of his arrogance, ego maniacal attitude and embarrassing "i found the ball first" episodes will eventually be the end of him...but in the words of the late Richard Pryor, [you] "be happy for any brotha doin' any fuckin' thing because we need all we can get."
All that changed for me when I read an anonymous moreover, accurate article about Mr. West in which he referred to himself as the "new Pete Rock of HipHop". Yeah...I said it. Actually he said it.
Now, because anyone who knows me, knows that I struggle as man and as DJ to find positives about Kanye when he would be stupid enough to go "full retard" like that. I was so infuriated that I called my mom to discuss what I was buggin' about to which she replied, "well son, you have to have somebody to pray for."
Which brings me to the now... Rather than pray, i chose to remind myself ( not that I needed to) just exactly how far from the truth Kanye's severely impaired, bold ass statement was. How could he compare with the reputation and quality of PR's body of work? Nevermind that he (West) got busted lifting drum samples from Pete's instrumentals...Nevermind that his work doesn't compare to the contribution that Pete has made to hiphop over the last 20 years...So I walked into the lab pulled every pete Rock record I had off the shelves and began to reminisce about why the chocolate boy wonder could never be touched.This podcast is in complete dedication to the chocolate boy wonder and his contribution to HipHop, and hopefully at the conclusion you'll understand why it comes as complete bewilderment to me, for Kanye to put his balls in his mouth like that.
Some would argue that Dilla is and could mentioned in the same sentence with regards to hiphop production when it comes to the reputation of Pete Rock. Several of the comparisons stem from the fact that Dilla created the bulk of his productions out of samples, as well as the warm, mellow, and exuberant undertones apparent in their work. Pete Rock himself has added validation to the comparisons with J Dilla by stating "he's the only producer in this game that was just as serious [as me]."
the Tie-In: J Dilla's posthumous album $tay Paid was released on Nature Sounds label (owned by Pete Rock) and mixed and produced by Pete Rock. (released June 2nd) Great minds think alike.
There is still after all that has been said possible for some to not understand what the Cornbread is saying. It is remotely possible that some could be a victim generational slight. Some who claim the aficionado stamp of HipHop who may not know of the dopeness Pete Rock changed the game with. There some that view Kanye as the pillar of production because thats all they know. Kanye is after all, in the spotlight at least once a month. Well then I leave those unfortunate souls inevitably denied because of the fact that they were like 4 when Mecca and the Soul Brother came out, this 68 minute archive of dopeness by Dj Cornbread is nothing but a very small pinhole view of his work.Enjoy.

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